Rare Pair of Armchairs by Gino Levi - Montalcini

Rare Pair of Armchairs by Gino Levi-Montalcini

Upholstery, beech, enameled steel. Extravagant design of generous proportions and superb detailing. Levi-Montalcini was known to have only created furniture for a handful of his projects. Never mass produced and always custom made. Recently reupholstered. The legs have been cleaned but show slight signs of wear.
h. 44.5” w. 35” d. 34” seat 19” arm 23”

Published: Il Mobili Italiano degli Anni ‘40 & ‘50. I. Guttry & M.P. Maino, Pg. 194. for a close variant pictured
from the casa Montalcini.

Price on request

Ref: 72 GLM 01

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